Saturday, September 4, 2010

Install fussystrmatch package on postgresql

Step 1: Install package postgresql-contrib-8.*

You may use command sudo apt-get or may use GUI tool like Synaptic package manager.

Note * points to version like 8.3,8.4 etc

Step 2: go to directory where you will find sql files

cd usr/share/postgresql/8.*/contrib

Note * points to version like 8.3,8.4 etc

and execute following command

psql -d indiainfo -U postgres -W -f fuzzystrmatch.sql

this will create all functions like metaphone, soundex etc for you.

Hope this helps you

Rahul Teni
Cynosure Software Solution


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- A competent M.S. Software Engineer and B.E. (Comp) with 6 years of rich experience in Java/ C / C++ / Oracle/PHP/Postgresql/Mysql in IT industry.
- Resourceful in developing Applications with various platforms and different domains.
A strategic planner with expertise in designing internal control systems towards the accomplishment of corporate business goals.
- A keen analyst with exceptional relationship management skills and abilities in liaising with different clients.
- Team player with excellent analytical and communications skills.
Worked with development projects with software brands like Cognizant and Infosys
- Master in struts
- Good hands on in core Java
- Understanding of other building blocks of Enterprise applications like middle ware technologies.
- Knowledge of database like Oracle,postgresql,mysql